Wed 14 Jun 23:00 – Thu 15 Jun 23:00
Lieden, Netherlands
The Digital Archaeology Research Group and the Centre for Global Heritage and Development at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University will jointly host the 2017 annual meeting of the Centre for Digital Heritage (CDH).
The theme of the CDH 2017 meeting will be Heritage under Threat.
Mon 13 Mar 00:00 – Wed 15 Mar 00:00
Berlin, Germany
The 15th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2017) will be held at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in March 2017. The overall conference theme is “Everything changes,
everything stays the same? – Understanding Information Spaces.”
Final Conference
Thu 15 Dec 09:30 – Fri 16 Dec 13:00Conference
The ARIADNE Final Conference, Unlocking the potential of digital archaeological data, will be held in the stunning Sala di Luca Giordano in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence.
Mon 28 Nov 00:00 – Fri 2 Dec 00:00
Fremantle, Western Australia
The Sixth International Congress on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA6) will be hosted by the Western Australian Museum.
The year 2016 marks the anniversary of a number of significant events for Australia as well as overseas nations, not least of which is the 400th anniversary of the first recorded landing by a European in Western Australia and is, thus, an important celebration of shared heritage for Australia and the Netherlands, England and France.
The conference theme Celebrating Our Shared Heritage will support a broad, internationally focused agenda and offers a great opportunity for IKUWA to reach new audiences, stamp its mark on the Asia-Pacific region and exchange research, knowledge and ideas with international colleagues from around the world.
ICDH 2016
Thu 24 Nov 00:00 – Fri 25 Nov 00:00
London, UK
Computer and Information Engineering
The ICDH 2016: 18th International Conference on Digital Heritage aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Digital Heritage. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Digital Heritage.
MTSR 2016
Tue 22 Nov 00:00 – Fri 25 Nov 00:00
Rome, Italy
The International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR’16) will be held at the UniversitatsBibliothek in Gottingen, (Germany) on November 22-25, 2016. MTSR’16 celebrates the conference’s 10th anniversary with the theme of bridging the past, present and future of metadata, data and semantic technologies.
Image & Research
Wed 16 Nov 09:19 – Fri 18 Nov 17:00
The 14th Image and Research International Conference will be held in the city of Girona from 16 to 18 November 2016 in the Palau de Congressos de Girona.
Wed 16 Nov 09:00 – Fri 18 Nov 17:00Conference Workshop and Round Table
Vienna, Austria
The theme of this years’ Cultural Heritage and New Technologies conference is Urban Archaeology and Data. The Call for papers, posters and apps is now open (closes 12th June).
ARIADNE is hosting a Session on Preservation and Re-Use of Digital Archaeological Research Data with Open Archival Information Systems and this is followed by a Round Table which will allow for further discussion on this topic.
Wed 16 Nov 00:00 – Fri 18 Nov 00:00
Vienna, Austria
Re-use and Repurposing of Archaeological and Historical Material and Data.
Ever increasing understanding of our primary sources and technological progress have led to higher and higher standards of recording and analysis in archaeological and historical research.
Thu 10 Nov 09:00 – Sat 12 Nov 17:00Conference
Florence, Italy
FORTMED 2016 is the International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Mediterranean coast. The call for abstracts deadline is 15th March.
3D-ARCH 2017
Nafplio, Greece
7th Int. ISPRS/CIPA Workshop on “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
The 2017 edition will focus on the steps and processes for smart 3D reconstruction, modeling, accessing and understanding of virtual environments from multiple data sources. Topics include:
EuroMed 2016
Mon 31 Oct 00:00 – Sat 5 Nov 00:00
Limassol, Cyprus
The European Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed) is a biannual event organized by Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology and has become a regular worldwide milestone on Cultural Heritage interdisciplinary research.
Joint European and international research produce a scientific background and support for changing our behavior on Protecting, Preserving and Presenting global Cultural Heritage.
GCH 2016
Tue 4 Oct 23:00 – Thu 6 Oct 23:00
Genova, Italy
The 14th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2016) aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH scientists to have a better understanding of the critical requirements for processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broader audience. The objective of the workshop is to present and showcase new developments within the overall process chain, from data acquisition, analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and data management, to new forms of interactive presentations and 3D printing solutions. Interdisciplinary approaches for analysis, classification and interpretation of cultural artefacts are particularly relevant to the event.
iPRES 2016
Mon 3 Oct 08:14 – Thu 6 Oct 16:00
Bern, Switzerland
iPRES is the premier international conference on the preservation and long term management of digital materials.
iPRES is the longest standing digital preservation conference in the world. This important event brings together key theorists, researchers and practitioners to explore the latest trends, innovations, policies and practices in digital preservation. iPRES2016 will attract participants from leading institutions, projects and initiatives from all around the world.
Thu 29 Sep 08:00 – Sat 1 Oct 16:00Conference
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Benjamin Štular, Franco Niccolucci and Julian Richards -will be presenting the paper “ARIADNE: ARIADNE: Linked Open Data (LOD) in practice” at the Language Technologies & Digital Humanities 2016 conference.
Wed 28 Sep 08:00 – Fri 30 Sep 16:00Conference
Krakow, Poland
Europe’s leading e-infrastructures, EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe, invite all researchers, developers and service providers for three days of brainstorming and discussions at the Digital Infrastructures for Research event (28-30 September 2016).
Training Lab 2016 – databases
Tue 13 Sep 08:00 – Thu 15 Sep 16:00Workshop
Data availability, management and storage
Sassari, Sardinia, Italy
Three day workshop organized by the Modeling Environmental Dynamics and Hominin Dispersals Around the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (METHOD) IFG.
Location: Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria. Universitá di Sassari Sassari (Sardinia, Italy)
Contact: Ericson Hoelzchen Mail:
Data Training Lab 2016
Tue 13 Sep 08:00 – Thu 15 Sep 16:00
Data Training Lab on data availability, management and storage. Organized by the Modeling Environmental Dynamics and Hominin Dispersals Around the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (METHOD) IFG in the Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Universitá di Sassari, Sassari (Sardinia, Italy) on 13th to 15th September 2016.
AARG Annual Conference
Tue 6 Sep 23:00 – Thu 8 Sep 23:00
Pilsen, Czech Republic
The Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) will holds its Annual Conference in Pilsen (Czech Republic) on September 7th-9th 2016.
Sun 4 Sep 23:00 – Wed 7 Sep 23:00
Innsbruck and Seefeld, Austria
The 27th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference will be hosted by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The conference brings together geographers, landscape architects, historians, ethnographers, archaeologists, ecologists, rural planners, landscape managers and other scholars interested in European landscapes.
TPDL 2016
Sun 4 Sep 23:00 – Thu 8 Sep 23:00
Hannover, Germany
20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
The L3S Research Center and the German National Library of Science and Technology have organized the 20th TPDL 2016 Conference to be held at the Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC).The general theme of the conference is “Overcoming the Limits of Digital Archives”
Sun 4 Sep 23:00 – 23:00
Valencia, Spain
Advanced 3D documentation, modeling and reconstruction of cultural heritage objects, monuments and sites
Researchers, professors, archaeologists, architects, engineers, art historians… from archaeology, computer graphics and geomatics dealing with cultural heritage are invited to share knowledge and experiences in the field of Virtual Archaeology. The participation of well-known researchers and enterprises is very much appreciated. An attractive and interesting schedule is arranged for the participants and visitors.
EAA 2016
Mon 29 Aug 23:00 – Sat 3 Sep 23:00
Vilnius, Lithuania
The European Association for Archaeologists has announced the date and location for their 22nd Annual Meeting.
The Opening Ceremony will take place at The Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania and will include the presentation of the European Archaeological Heritage Prize.
LAC 2016
Mon 22 Aug 23:00 – Wed 24 Aug 23:00
Uppsala, Sweden
The 4th International Landscape Archaeology Conference will be hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. It will be held at Uppsala University, the oldest university in Scandinavia – founded in 1477 – on 23-25 of August, 2016.
IFLA Congress
Sat 13 Aug 07:00 – Fri 19 Aug 16:30
Columbus, Ohio, USA
82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly
The IFLA World Library and Information Congress is the international flagship professional and trade event for the library and information services sector.
It brings together over 3,500 participants from more than 120 countries. It sets the international agenda for the profession and offers opportunities for networking and professional development to all delegates.
It is an opportunity for the host country to showcase the status of libraries and information science in their country and region as well as to have their professionals experience international librarianship and international relations in a unique way.
EVA London 2016
Mon 11 Jul 23:00 – Wed 13 Jul 23:00
London, UK
Held annually in July, EVA London is one of the international EVA conferences (Electronic Visualization & the Arts). The first EVA conference was held in 1990. These are events where people using or interested in the new technologies can share their experiences and network in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere. Its focus is on the development and application of visualization technologies, including art, music, dance, theatre and the sciences.
Mon 11 Jul 08:00 – Fri 15 Jul 16:00Conference
Krakow, Poland
Digital Humanities 2016 conference will take place in Kraków, Poland; this is only the second time (after Debrecen 1998) that the conference comes to Central/Eastern Europe. The region’s rich past and its recent rapid growth has inspired the conference theme, ‘Digital Identities: the Past and the Future’.
Mon 13 Jun 08:00 – Thu 16 Jun 16:00Conference
Dublin, Ireland
The 11th International Conference on Open Repositories is being hosted by Trinity College, Dublin.
Open Access & Archaeology Data
Tue 19 Apr 08:00 – 09:30
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Fentress is giving a seminar on ARIADNE, FASTI Online and the North African Heritage Archive Network in Munich on the 19th April.
SAA 81st Annual Meeting
Tue 5 Apr 23:00 – Sat 9 Apr 23:00
Orlando, Florida, USA
The 18th. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology will take place April 6-10, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. The annual meeting attracts more than 3,000 archaeologists from around the world. The meeting’s dynamic poster sessions, forums, and symposia cover a vast range of topics and time periods.
Tue 29 Mar 23:00 – 23:00
Oslo, Norway
Continuing the discussion that began at last year’s CAA, ARIADNE has organized a session which will be held at CAA2016 in Oslo on Wednesday 30th March.
CAA Conference 2016
Mon 28 Mar 23:00 – Fri 1 Apr 23:00
Oslo, Norway
The Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Annual Conference is one of the major events in the calendar for scholars, specialists and experts in the field of computing technologies applied to archaeology.
The 44th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA 2016) has been given the theme “Exploring Oceans of Data”, in reference to Norway’s maritime heritage.
From Aerostats to Drones
Wed 3 Feb 09:01 – Fri 5 Feb 17:00
Rome, Italy
From Aerostats to Drones: aerial imagery in Archaeology
A few years after the 1st International Conference of Aerial Archaeology (Rome, 15-16 April 2009), the Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry (LABTAF) of the University of Salento, together with Ghent University (Belgium) and the University of Cassino, will organize a second event at the prestigious seat of the Academia Belgica in Rome, with the aim of rounding up the newest trends and acquisitions in the field of aerial survey and remote sensing in Archaeology.
ARIADNE Workshop
Thu 21 Jan 09:30 – 17:30
ARIADNE training event aimed at presenting key aspects of the archaeological data management with a special focus on the current state of affairs in Slovenia. The event will be held at ZRC SAZU, Institute of Archaeology, Gosposka str. 16, Ljubljana.
ARIADNE workshop, Vienna
Tue 19 Jan 09:30 – 17:30
ARIADNE training event aimed at presenting key aspects of the archaeological data management with a special focus on the current state of affairs in Austria. The event will be held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Sitzungszimmer, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna.
ICDH 2015
Fri 27 Nov 08:44 – Sat 28 Nov 17:00
London, United Kingdom
The ICDH 2015: XII International Conference on Digital Heritage aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Digital Heritage.
CHNT 2015
Mon 2 Nov 09:00 – Wed 4 Nov 17:00 Conference
Vienna, Austria
The 20th CHNT (Cultural Heritage and New Technologies) Conference will be held in Vienna from 2nd-4th November. This year’s topic is “Urban Archaeology and Public Relations”.
Digital Heritage 2015
Mon 28 Sep 08:00 – Fri 2 Oct 15:00Conference
Granada, Spain
A “federated” world congress of the leading international societies, organizations, and events around IT for heritage, Digital Heritage 2015 will bring together for the second time, VSMM, Eurographics GCH, Arqueologica 2.0, Archaeovirtual, and special events from CAA, CIPA, Space2Place, ICOMOS, ICIP, and more, all in one venue with a prestigious joint publication. A groundbreaking public display of cutting edge digital heritage projects will also grace the conference venue at Granada’s Alhambra and Sciences Park museum.
MEDI 2015
Sat 26 Sep 08:02 – Mon 28 Sep 16:00
Rhodes, Greece
The 5th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI) will be held in Rhodes Island, Greece. The main objective of the conference is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and to promote the interaction and collaboration between the models and data research communities. This international scientific event, initiated by researchers from Euro-Mediterranean countries, aims also at promoting the creation of north-south scientific networks, projects and faculty/student exchanges.
VAMCT 2015
Wed 23 Sep 08:19 – Sat 26 Sep 16:00
Delphi, Greece
The international symposium entitled VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY: Museums & Cultural Tourism aims at investigating all new trends in the field of digital (e.g., online, virtual) museums, virtual communities, archaeometric studies, digital cultural tourism and related topics.
Workshop on CRM
Thu 17 Sep 12:30 – 17:00
Poznań, Poland
VAST-LAB are organizing a workshop which will run within the framework of the TPDL2015 Conference in September 2015
The goal of the workshop is to present, discuss and take stock of the developments of the CIDOC CRM in a number of domains. The importance of CRM in heritage-related digital libraries and dataset infrastructures is confirmed by the increasing number of cultural heritage institutions and research projects adopting CRM and its extensions to foster datasets interoperability.
Archaeological Prospection
Tue 15 Sep 08:00 – Thu 17 Sep 16:00Conference
Warsaw, Poland
The 11th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection will be hosted by the University of Warsaw, Copernicus Science Center and Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanow.
The conference aims to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of latest developments and cutting-edge research in the field of archaeological prospection. It shall cover the entire spectrum of methodology and technology applied to the detection, localization and investigation of buried cultural heritage (aerial photography, airborne laser scanning, hyperspectral imaging, near-surface geophysics, data processing, visualization and archaeological interpretation).
TPDL 2015
Mon 14 Sep 08:03 – Fri 18 Sep 16:00
Poznan, Poland
The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) constitutes a leading scientific forum on digital libraries that brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2015, the 19th edition of the conference, is organized by Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center.
AARG 2015
Wed 9 Sep 08:20 – Fri 11 Sep 16:00
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
The Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) 2015 Annual Conference will take place in September 2015.
The Program will consist of three sessions with invited papers plus three more open call sessions.
MTSR 2015
Wed 9 Sep 08:00 – Thu 10 Sep 23:00
Manchester, UK
Special Track on Metadata & Semantics for Cultural Collections & Applications
Organized by Manchester Metropolitan University as part of the 9th International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research (MTSR 2015)
Mon 7 Sep 23:00 – Thu 10 Sep 23:00
Poitiers, France
The first Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage workshop (SW4CH’15), in conjunction with ADBIS’2015
Nowadays, Cultural Heritage is gaining a lot of attention from academic and industry perspectives. Scientific researchers, organizations, associations, schools are looking for relevant technologies for accessing, integrating, sharing, annotating, visualizing, analyzing the mine of cultural collections by considering profiles and preferences of end users.
EAA 2015
Wed 2 Sep 07:54 – Sat 5 Sep 16:00
Glasgow, United Kingdom
The European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) represents archaeologists and heritage professionals from across Europe. The Annual Meeting has become established as the premier archaeological conference in Europe and the 21st Annual Meeting will be hosted at the University of Glasgow in September 2015.
CIPA Summerschool, Paestum
Sun 12 Jul 07:49 – Sun 19 Jul 16:00
The CIPA summer school on “Cultural Heritage 3D Surveying and Modeling” gives the opportunity to scholars, PhD students, researchers and specialists in the surveying and heritage fields to deepen their knowledge and expertise with reality-based 3D modeling techniques.
The summer school consists of theoretical lectures (surveying, photogrammetry, active sensors, etc.) and practical work, in the field and in the lab. The participants will learn the basics in surveying and data acquisition (with digital cameras, laser scanning sensors and UAV platforms) as well as practice with data processing methods for 3D models and metric products generation.
Datasets summer school
Mon 6 Jul 08:07 – Fri 10 Jul 15:30
This summer school on the design of archeological datasets is offered by ISTI-CNR as part of ARIADNE’s transnational access program. It will be held at ISTI-CNR in Pisa, Italy.
Data summer school
Sun 28 Jun 18:00 – Fri 3 Jul 16:00
This summer school on emerging practices in archaeological research and what to do with the digital legacy of previous fieldwork projects is offered as part of ARIADNE’s TNA program. It is hosted by the Athena Research Centre, Digital Curation Unit in Athens, Greece.
2D/3D summer school
Mon 22 Jun 08:15 – Fri 26 Jun 15:00
This summer school in 2D/3D documentation for archaeology is offered as part of ARIADNE’s TNA program for researchers. The school is being held at ISTI-CNR in Pisa, Italy.
Pelagios colloquium
Sat 20 Jun 08:00 – 23:00
Kings College London, UK
The Pelagios project (Pelagios: Enable Linked Ancient Geodata In Open Systems) are holding a two-day colloquium on the subject of “Linked Pasts”.
Bringing together leading exponents of Linked Data from across the Humanities and Cultural Heritage sector, the colloquium aims to address some of the challenges to developing a digital ecosystem of online open materials, through two days of position papers, discussion and breakout group activity.
ICRPA 2015
Sat 30 May 23:00 – Sat 6 Jun 23:00
Dijon, France
Daily iconography in the Roman Provincial Art. Regional models
This international congress is sponsored by Université de Bourgogne, ARTEHIS Archéologie, Terre, Histoire, Sociétés / UMR CNRS-UB 6298 and Musée Archéologique Musée Archéologique, Ville de Dijon
MuseumNext 2015
Sun 19 Apr 08:09 – Tue 21 Apr 16:00
MuseumNext is a platform to discuss what’s next for all aspects of the museum, including architecture, exhibitions, technology, skills, collections, conservation, purpose and leadership. The 2015 edition of MuseumNext will take place in the Swiss city of Geneva between 19 – 21 April 2015.
Thu 16 Apr 08:01 – Fri 17 Apr 16:00
The ISPRS/CIPA Workshop on Underwater 3D Recording & Modeling, being held in Piano di Sorrento (Naples, Italy) aims to bring together scientists, developers, companies and users in underwater 3D recording and related disciplines. The workshop will represent a meeting platform for various disciplines like Cultural Heritage, environmental monitoring, 3D surveying and modeling, biology, reverse engineering and industrial metrology.
Mon 30 Mar 07:49 – Fri 3 Apr 16:00
The Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Annual Conference is one of the major events in the calendar for scholars, specialists and experts in the field of computing technologies applied to archaeology. CAA2015 will be held in Italy at the University of Siena in collaboration with the National Research Council, from March 30th to April 3rd 2015.
PATCH 2015
Sun 29 Mar 00:00 – Tue 31 Mar 23:00
Atlanta, GA, USA
8th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) is co-located with the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2015 Conference . The primary goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers & practitioners who are working on various aspects of cultural heritage and are interested in exploring the potential of state of the art technology (onsite as well as online) to enhance the CH visit experience. The expected result of the workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future research directions and hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Fifth EAGLE Event 2015
Wed 11 Mar 09:00 – Thu 12 Mar 17:00
Nicosia, Cyprus
Use and Re-Use of Digital Cultural Heritage Assets – Interoperability, Repositories and Shared infrastructures is the fifth in a series of international events planned by EAGLE BPN.
The event has been organized by The Cyprus Institute, in collaboration with Heidelberg University (Germany) and Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy) and will feature presentations and hands-on workshops regarding themes of the EAGLE project, led by the project’s Working Groups.
GCDH Spring School
Mon 2 Mar 09:14 – Fri 6 Mar 17:00
Gottingen Centre for Digital Humanities is running a spring school on 3D Modeling and Reconstruction with Blender & Unity 3D. The school will bring together 20 international students who are interested in learning how to model 3D objects, how to manage 3D data, and how to create virtual worlds in 3D. The school will be held on 2–6 March 2015 at the University of Göttingen in Germany.
3D-ARCH 2015
Wed 25 Feb 09:00 – Fri 27 Feb 17:00Workshop
Avila, Spain
The 6th 3D-ARCH international workshop on “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures” will be held in Avila, Spain, which is a UNESCO World Heritage city since 1985 and is very close to Madrid.
ArcLand Final Conference
Tue 24 Feb 10:00 – Thu 26 Feb 17:45
Goethe-University Campus, Frankfurt, Germany
Final conference of the ArcLand project ‘Sensing the Past — New Approaches to European Landscapes‘
The main topics will be the themes that ArcLand has been working on for nearly 4 years now:
- Communicating and teaching landscape heritage (keynote: Edel Bhreathnach, Dublin)
- The diversity of European archaeological landscapes (keynote: Jean Bourgeois, Ghent)
- Exploring past European landscapes: current techniques – future developments (keynote: Michael Doneus, Vienna)
Mon 9 Feb 00:00 – Thu 12 Feb 00:00
University e-Research Centre, Oxford, UK
The 32nd joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 25th FRBR – CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, with representatives of the CIDOC CRM SIG and the IFLA FRBR Review Group.
Mon 15 Dec 09:03 – Wed 17 Dec 17:00
The 5th CMA4CH Mediterraneum Meeting (Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics in Cultural Heritage) will take place this year in Rome, at La Sapienza University.
DM2E event
Thu 11 Dec 10:00 – 17:00
Enabling humanities research in the Linked Open Web, Pisa. Since the DM2E project start in February 2012, the partners have been working on building the tools and communities to enable humanities researchers to work with manuscripts in the Linked Open Web. The final event aims to show and demonstrate the progress that has been achieved as well as to inspire future research in the area of Linked Open Data.
VSMM 2014
Tue 9 Dec 09:05 – Fri 12 Dec 16:30
The International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM) is a premier world forum for the presentation of research on 3D acquisition, multimedia visualization, interaction technologies and their applications. Known for its multidisciplinary approach, VSMM has become a bridge between technology, art, history, science and engineering. Held since 1995, VSMM 2014 will be the 20th gathering of the VSMM Society and will be hosted for the first time in Hong Kong.
VSMM 2014, will be held at the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC), City University of Hong Kong from 9th to 12th December 2014.
TOTh workshop
Fri 5 Dec 09:00 – 17:00
The 2014 TOTh Workshop is organized by the Royal Museums of Art and History of Brussels as part of the European Project AthenaPlus.
The event will take place in Brussels, at the Cinquantenaire Museum, Parc du Cinquantenaire 10, on 5 December 2014.
Workshop: digital repositories
Tue 2 Dec 09:00 – 16:30
This workshop will focus on the pressing question of long-term preservation of digital data. We will look at the topic from various angles, central being user needs specific to the different fields of the Humanities as well as existing solutions. The language of the workshop on 2nd Dec is English.
Transatlantic Dialogue
Mon 1 Dec 10:00 – 12:00
Fostering the Transatlantic Dialogue on Digital Heritage and EU Research Infrastructures: Initiatives and Solutions in the USA and in Italy.
Library of Congress James Madison Memorial Building, Washington, DC. Live webcast also available.
Mon 1 Dec 09:00 – Wed 3 Dec 16:00
The SWIB Conference (Semantic Web in Libraries) is an annual conference focusing on Semantic Web and Linked Open Data (LOD) in the library world. This year the conference will take place in Bonn on 1-3 December 2014.
NODEM 2014
Mon 1 Dec 08:00 – Wed 3 Dec 16:00Conference
The aim of the NODEM conference is to bring together museum and heritage professionals (galleries, archives, libraries and museums), innovation experts (universities, research and technology transfer centres, start-ups) and creative industries to enable discussion on the potential of dialogue and collaborations between architecture, experience design, strategies of interpretation and ICT.
MTSR 2014
Thu 27 Nov 09:11 – Sat 29 Nov 16:30
The 8th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR’14) organized by Karlsruhe University of Applied Science in Germany will be held on 27-29 November 2014.
Research Infrastructures
Thu 13 Nov 09:00 – Fri 14 Nov 13:00

“Research Infrastructure and e-Infrastructures for Digital Cultural Heritage” is a two-day conference that will provide an overview of how e-Infrastructures solutions positively impact of on research environment and cultural heritage communities and will explore the challenges offered by Horizon 2020 program, in this field.
Euromed 2014
Mon 3 Nov 09:00 – Sat 8 Nov 17:00Conference
Limassol, Cyprus
The 5th EUROMED Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus. The Call for Papers (and Workshops) is open until 30th May 2014.
Z-generation workshop
Mon 27 Oct 09:00 – Thu 30 Oct 17:00Workshop
3D terrain modelling workshop on “Z-generation – creating digital elevation” taking place at the University of Bern.
Wed 15 Oct 08:01 – Fri 17 Oct 15:30International Meeting
Ciudad Real, Spain
6th International Meeting on Graphic Archaeology and Informatics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation – ARQUEOLOGICA 2.0, 15-17, October 2014.
Mon 13 Oct 08:08 – Wed 15 Oct 16:00Conference
Girona, Spain
The Archives and Cultural Industries event groups together the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Council on Archives, the 9th European Conference on Archives, and the 13th Image and Research Seminar.
Mon 6 Oct 08:57 – Wed 8 Oct 15:30Workshop
Darmstadt, Germany
12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 6-8 October 2014. Following a long tradition, this event focuses on the integration of digital tools and solutions into the practice of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology and Museums.
iPRES Conference
Mon 6 Oct 07:30 – Fri 10 Oct 15:30Conference
Melbourne, Australia
The IPRES Conference for 2014 will be held from 6-10 October 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. Hosted by the National Library of Australia and the State Library of Victoria, the conference will deliver both research and innovative practice strands to advance the digital preservation agenda.
VAST 2014
Thu 25 Sep 08:49 – Fri 26 Sep 16:00Conference
Pistoia, Italy
VAST2014, will address the theme of Virtual Research Environments, i.e. “innovative, web-based, community-oriented, comprehensive, flexible, and secure working environments conceived to serve the needs of modern science” in the domains of humanities, cultural heritage and archaeology.
Postponed until December 2014
AARG 2014
Tue 23 Sep 18:00 – Fri 26 Sep 16:00Conference
Dublin, Ireland
The Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) 2014 International Conference has been jointly organized by UCD School of Archaeology and the Discovery Program.
DARIAH-EU’s VCC meeting
Wed 17 Sep 08:30 – Fri 19 Sep 13:30Meeting
Rome, Italy
DARIAH-EU’s 4th General Virtual Competency Centre (VCC) meeting will be held on 17-19 September 2014 in the surroundings of Villa Mirafiori which houses ILIESI, the Institute for the European intellectual lexicon and history of ideas.
LAC 2014
Wed 17 Sep 08:00 – Sat 20 Sep 16:00Conference
Rome, Italy
The 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference will be held in Rome, Italy. The Call for Abstracts is open – the deadline is 1st April 2014.
NKOS Workshop 2014
Sat 13 Sep 13:00 – Sun 14 Sep 11:00Workshop
London, UK
The 13th European NKOS workshop will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 11th and morning of Friday 12th September as part of JDL 2014 (joint JCDL/TPDL conferences) in London.
Opportunities within ARIADNE
Thu 11 Sep 08:00 – 09:40Round Table
Istanbul, Turkey
TKB Second Floor, Room 303
Session Organizer: Holly Wright
Chair: Achille Felicetti
09:00-09:20 Achille Felicetti Mapping Existing Datasets to CIDOC-C/RM0
09:20-09:40 Roberto Scopigno 2D/3D Documentation for Archaeology
09:40-10:00 Carlo Meghini Design of Archaeological Datasets
10:00-10:20 Nestor Tsirliganis Scientific Data and Metadata in Archaeological Research
10:20-10:40 Discussion
EAA 2014
Wed 10 Sep 08:00 – Sun 14 Sep 16:00Conference
Istanbul, Turkey
The 20th European Association of Archaeologists meeting will be held in Istanbul, Turkey in September. The call for paper & poster proposals is now open and are to be submitted online by filling the Paper Submission Form. The call closes on January 27, 2014.
EAA: Open Access session
Wed 10 Sep 08:00 – Sun 14 Sep 16:00Conference session
Istanbul, Turkey
ARIADNE Co-ordinator, Prof. Julian Richards of the University of York and Dr. Frank Siegmund of University Düsseldorf will be hosting a session entitled Barriers and Opportunities: Open Access and Open Data in Archaeology” as session no. T02S002:
Mon 8 Sep 08:00 – Fri 12 Sep 16:00Conference
Gothenberg and Mariestad, Sweden
The 26th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference – “Unraveling the Logics of Landscape” – will be held at two locations: in the city of Gothenburg and the town of Mariestad in the west part of Sweden. The congress will be hosted by the University of Gothenburg.
Digital Libraries 2014
Mon 8 Sep 08:00 – Sun 14 Sep 16:00Conference
London, UK
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014)
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2014)
EHRI Workshop
Mon 8 Sep 08:00 – Wed 10 Sep 16:00Workshop
Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) are holding a workshop in Jerusalem on “Revising the Scope and Means of Physical and Digital Preservation of Holocaust Documentation”
CIDOC 2014
Sat 6 Sep 08:09 – Thu 11 Sep 16:00Conference
Dresden, Germany
The annual conference of CIDOC, the International Committee for Documentation of ICOM, will take place from 6th – 11th of September 2014 in Dresden, Germany. Anyone interested from museums and cultural organizations is cordially invited to participate.
EVA: Learning Opportunities
Thu 10 Jul 10:30 – 12:00Workshop
The Learning Opportunities for Sharing Data in the ARIADNE Project workshop will be hosted at EVA, London on Thursday the 10th July
Chair person: Franco Niccolucci
LIDAR workshop
Tue 8 Jul 08:00 – Fri 11 Jul 16:00Workshop
Registration is now open for the Lidar visualization and interpretation workshop 2014 in Esslingen, Germany.
Preventive Archaeology
Mon 23 Jun 08:00 – Fri 4 Jul 16:00Summer School
Erasmus IP Summer School “‘Preventive Archaeology’. Evaluating sites and landscape” will be held in Ravenna-Senigallia, Italy.
ISPRS Symposium
Sun 22 Jun 09:06 – Wed 25 Jun 15:30
The ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium will feature 3 days with plenary and parallel sessions, invited speakers from research and commercial domains and an exhibition of the most important business players in the close-range domain.
Conflict landscapes 2014
Thu 15 May 08:00 – Sat 17 May 16:00Conference
ArcLand are organizing the “Conflict landscapes and archaeology from above” Conference in Ypres, Belgium.
ArcLand 2014
Thu 24 Apr 08:00 – Sat 26 Apr 16:00Conference
Paper submission deadline: February 28th, 2014
The ArcLAnd Conference is being held in Poznań-Będlewo, Poland.
Web site:
Online Resources 4 Archaeology
Tue 22 Apr 09:50 – 11:50
This workshop on online resources for Archaeological Research has been organized by ARIADNE and forms part of the program of CAA 2014, held this year in Paris.
CAA 2014
Tue 22 Apr 08:00 – Fri 25 Apr 16:00Conference and Workshops
The CAA2014 Conference will be held at the “Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Institut d’art et d’archéologie” 3 rue Michelet, 75006 Paris, France, from 22th to 25th April 2014.
The CAA (Computers Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is an international congress which has taken place every year for 40 years, the last being in Australia. This conference usually brings together hundreds of participants and works on the principle of parallel sessions and workshops or round tables.
Mon 7 Apr 08:00 – Thu 10 Apr 16:00Conference
The Second International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geo-information of Environment (RSCy2014) will be held in Paphos, Cyprus in April.
TRAIL 2014
Wed 26 Mar 09:00 – Fri 28 Mar 17:00
Registration for the TRAIL 2014 Meeting, to take place in Frasne, France the 26-28 March 2014, is still open. You can find the preliminary program, practical details, and the registration form on our website:
PATCH’2014 Workshop
Mon 24 Feb 09:00 – 17:00Workshop
The 7th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2014) will be this year co-located with the Intelligent User Interfaces Conference.
Call for Proposals deadline extended to: 26 December 2013.
TAG conference, Bournemouth
Mon 16 Dec 09:00 – Wed 18 Dec 17:00Conference
Call for Papers – Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference
The deadline for submission of abstracts to Sara Perry ( – or through the TAG webpages ( – is 10 September. TAG is in the unique position of being able to accept papers streamed in from other locations via Google Hangout, so we welcome remote participation.
Contact: Sara Perry.
Facing the Future
Thu 21 Nov 09:00 – Fri 22 Nov 17:00Conference
The conference Facing the Future: European Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, organized by the Social and Cultural Innovation Strategy Working Group of ESFRI and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and hosted by the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) and the German Data Forum (RatSWD), invites social science and humanities experts, policy makers, and scientific research infrastructure coordinators to engage in a productive exchange of ideas for a Roadmap to strengthen Social Sciences and Humanities alike.
Recovering Lost Landscapes
Tue 19 Nov 09:00 – Wed 20 Nov 17:00Workshop
The EU Project ArcheoLandscapes Europe is organizing the workshop Recovering Lost Landscapes – seminar and workshop on the applications of historic aerial images at the Institute of Archaeology (SANU), Belgrade (Serbia).
MTSR 2013
Tue 19 Nov 00:00 – Fri 22 Nov 00:00
Venue: Thessaloniki, Greece
Continuing the successful mission of previous MTSR Conferences (MTSR’05, MTSR’07, MTSR’09, MTSR’10, MTSR’11 and MTSR’12), the seventh International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR’13) aims to bring together scholars and practitioners that share a common interest in the interdisciplinary field of metadata, linked data and ontologies. Participants will share novel knowledge and best practice in the implementation of these semantic technologies across diverse types of Information Environments and applications. These include Cultural Informatics; Open Access Repositories & Digital Libraries; E-learning applications; Search Engine Optimization & Information Retrieval; Research Information Systems and Infrastructures; e-Science and e-Social Science applications; Agriculture, Food and Environment; Bio-Health & Medical Information Systems.
CHNT 2013
Mon 11 Nov 09:00 – Wed 13 Nov 17:00Conference
The focus of the 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna, Austria. is “Urban Archaeology and Correct Documentation”. The program is available here:
Sharing Geospatial Data
Thu 31 Oct 09:00 – Sat 2 Nov 17:00
CALL FOR PAPERS: Workshop on sharing geospatial data, Bern 2013
You are cordially invited to participate in the interdisciplinary scientific workshop “Sharing Geospatial Data – the key to successful interdisciplinary and international collaboration” to be held in Bern, October 31th – November 2nd, 2013. The workshop is intended to tie in with a series of three previous workshops dedicated to interdisciplinary collaboration on geospatial data ( and
Digital Heritage 2013
Mon 28 Oct 09:00 – Fri 1 Nov 17:00
Digital Heritage is Europe’s largest international scientific event on digital heritage in history, bringing together hundreds of researchers, educators, scientists, industry professionals and policy makers to debate, discuss and present digital technology applied to the protection, documentation, and understanding of humanity’s shared heritage. It will be held in Marseille, France.
Conference website:
Big Data and the Humanities
Sun 6 Oct 08:00 – Wed 9 Oct 16:00Workshop
A workshop on Big Data and the Humanities will be held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2013), which takes place in Silicon Valley, California, USA.
DASISH Workshop
Fri 4 Oct 08:00 – Sat 5 Oct 16:00Workshop
DASISH is organizing a workshop for SSH Projects/initiatives in Gothenburg. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss common problems, challenges, issues, solutions, future directions and future cooperation. Prof. Franco Niccolucci has been invited to present ARIADNE.
VAMCT 2013
Wed 25 Sep 08:00 – Sat 28 Sep 16:00Workshop
International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology Museums & Cultural Tourism (VAMCT 2013) is being held at Delphi, Greece. The deadline for the call for abstracts has been extended to the 30th June 2013.
TPDL 2013
Sat 21 Sep 23:00 – Wed 25 Sep 23:00
Venue: Valletta, Malta
The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) constitutes a leading scientific forum on digital libraries that brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2013, the 17th edition of the conference, will be organized by University of Malta.
UAVs Applied to CH
Fri 20 Sep 08:00 – Thu 26 Sep 16:00Summer School (training week)
Location: Certosa, Pontignano, Italy.
The Summer School will deal with the digital recording and 3D modeling of complex objects and scenarios, with emphasis on those of cultural and natural heritage value, considering the entire workflow from platform and flight preparation, to data acquisition and processing and final graphical restitution.
EMAC 2013
Wed 18 Sep 23:00 – Fri 20 Sep 23:00
Venue: University of Padua, Italy
The aim of this 12th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, in accordance with former edition, is the promotion of the methodological development and use of scientific techniques in the study of archaeological and historical ceramic materials for interpreting and solving issues on provenance, production, usage, conservation, age, and technological changes over times and places. Due to interdisciplinary character of this type of studies, researchers and scholars from both human and science background will share their experience and results obtained in their most recently researches. This would encourage scientists with different expertise to join together in new research projects.
DART Workshop, Leeds UK
Tue 17 Sep 08:30 – 15:30Workshop
Register at EventBrite:
ARIADNE Workshop at EAA
Wed 4 Sep 09:00 – 12:00Workshop
This workshop will introduce archaeological researchers to strategies for effective data management and planning, alongside a tour of some of the online data resources available to researchers, particularly through the new EC Infrastructures ARIADNE project.
EAA 2013
Wed 4 Sep 08:00 – Sun 8 Sep 16:00Conference
The 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists will be held in Pilsen (Plzeň), Czech Republic, 4th – 8th September 2013.
The meeting is organized by the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and GUARANT International. The meeting is supported by the City of Pilsen, Governor of Pilsen region, Institute of Archaeology – Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, V.V.I., Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen, National Heritage Institute, Pilsen 2015 European Capital of Culture.
iPres 2013
Sun 1 Sep 23:00 – Wed 4 Sep 23:00
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal
iPRES-2013 will be co-located with DC-2013, the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications!!! A unique common registration will give full access for each delegate to the program of both the conferences (keynotes will be held in plenary sessions, papers sessions specific of each conference will run in parallel)
JCDL 2013
Sun 21 Jul 23:00 – Thu 25 Jul 23:00
Digital Libraries at the Crossroads
Venue: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2013) is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, organizational, and social issues. JCDL encompasses the many meanings of the term digital libraries, including (but not limited to) new forms of information institutions and organizations; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, distributing, and accessing digital content; theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing; and theory and practice of use of managed content in science and education.
MAPPA: Opening the Past
Wed 12 Jun 23:00 – Fri 14 Jun 23:00
Venue: Pisa, Italy
Opening the Past 2013 is the final conference of the MAPPA project: it aims to present the results of the project and to discuss interesting and new proposals during the sessions:
- Predictivity in archaeology
- Open Data in Archaeology
- Open Access in Archaeology
- Urban geoarchaeology
APARSEN Training Event
Tue 4 Jun 08:00 – Wed 5 Jun 16:00Training Event
APARSEN Training Event – Trust and Digital Preservation,
Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin
AP 2013
Wed 29 May 08:00 – Sun 2 Jun 16:00Conference
Venue: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
The Archaeological Prospection Conference is organized by the International Society for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP) and the Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG).
Congreso AIAC 2013
Sun 12 May 23:00 – Thu 16 May 23:00Conference
Venue: Mérida, Spain
The 18th International Congress of Classical Archaeology will be held in Mérida in May 2013. On this occasion the slogan will be “Centre and periphery in the ancient world” it will be jointly organized by the National Museum of Roman Art, the Government of Extremadura Department of Education and Culture and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology.
CAA 2013 Perth
Mon 25 Mar 09:00 – Thu 28 Mar 17:00
Venue: Perth, Australia
The CAA Annual Conference is the major event in the calendar for scholars, specialists and experts in the field of informatic applications to archaeological scholarship. This year’s conference is being held on 25-28 March in Perth, Western Australia