2014 call for Transnational Access
As part of its Transnational Access (TNA) activities, the ARIADNE project is offering researchers the opportunity to apply to participate in summer schools to carry forwards their own research.
The 2014 call for applications is now closed.
Researchers are invited to apply to participate in Summer Schools hosted by PIN and Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche. Individual work will form part of the summer school programme through case studies or research projects to be proposed by participants in advance and developed by them under expert supervision. Each summer school is one week in duration, Monday to Friday.
We welcome applications from individuals with a scientific interest and ability to benefit from training in archaeological research data management.
The fee for students at the Summer Schools is 500 euros. Sponsorship is available for participation. The ARIADNE TNA sponsorships include a tuition fee waiver for the Summer Schools plus a bursary, the latter worth up to 800 euros per participant, to cover the cost of travel and accommodation. These will be awarded on a competitive basis, according to the procedure described in the application pack, on based upon the quality of the applicant, their proposed project, and their personal statement.
ARIADNE Summer Schools are open to all researchers according to the advertised tuition fee. A maximum of 20 participants is planned for each summer school with 5-10 TNA students receiving funding from ARIADNE for each course.
2014 access is offered at:
1. Summer school: Mapping existing datasets to CIDOC-CRM
Organizer: PIN; Venue: Prato; Period: 26-30 May 2014
Content: the school goal is to enable researchers and professionals to map their datasets to the CIDOC CRM standard, an exercise required to integrate them in a wider framework such as the ARIADNE one. The school will provide a summary background of CIDOC CRM (2-3 days) showing some case studies and some frequently used templates (e.g. for chronology, authorship, locations, etc.). The remaining days will be dedicated to developing the mappings of students’ case studies, which they will carry out under the supervision of specialists. Programme.
Pre-requisites: general knowledge of CIDOC CRM.
2. Summer school: 2D/3D documentation for archaeology
Organizer: ISTI-CNR; Venue: Pisa; Period: 23-27 June 2014
Content: The school aims at providing training and hands-on experience on the tools for producing and managing 2D and 3D documentation for archaeological purposes, both for objects and for monuments/sites, including the related visualization tools. The school will provide an introduction to the technologies and tools in the first 2-3 days and a hands-on activity in the remaining ones, organizing the students in small groups. It is expected that each student will bring her/his own research project, so that practice can be made on case studies of direct interest for the students. Programme.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge on the digitization process (3D/2D) and on sampled data processing.
3. Summer school: Design of archaeological datasets
Organizer: ISTI-CNR; Venue: Pisa; Period: 14-18 July
Content: the course aims at providing students with an introduction to metadata design for archaeological datasets, with perspective content provided as case studies by the students. The school will consist of some introductive lectures followed by hands-on seminars in which the design is developed by the students with the supervision of ISTI experts and then collectively discussed. Programme.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of mark-up languages.
How to apply
Researchers should complete the application form and return it to ARIADNE by email (extended deadline for archaeological datasets school is 31st May 2014). The application should describe the researcher’s background in archaeology, the proposed project and its expected results, and the justification of need for sponsorship for the specific access visit or Summer school, highlighting the impact to archaeological research.
- Link to application form
- Completed application forms should be returned to TNAcontact @ariadne-infrastructure.eu
Selection process and evaluation criteria
After the proposals are submitted, ARIADNE will verify compliance with the eligibility criteria (below). Applications will then be sent to the User Selection Panel and assigned to experts for their evaluation. The Selection Panel will make recommendations to the ARIADNE Coordinator who will notify applicants of the results of the evaluation.
Selection and sponsorship awards will be primarily based on the quality of the applicant, the scientific merit of the case study or individual research project proposed and the potential of the applicant to benefit from the training on offer. Applications should aim to increase research output (qualitatively and quantitatively), optimize the use of the ARIADNE infrastructure, develop local expertise and ongoing research activities and facilities, and foster lasting international cooperation. Case studies should have focussed goals that are technically feasible within the framework of the access visit or summer school and the host facility.
Priority will be given to:
- users who have not previously used the ARIADNE resources,
- young researchers
- researchers working in countries where no such research facilities exist,
The project will provide equal opportunities with regards to Transnational Access to the research infrastructure and to participation in Summer Schools and access visits.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for sponsorship, researchers must:
- work or be registered as a student in an institution in one of the EU Member States and Associated States to support trans-national access; researchers from institutions in the home country of the school are not eligible for the bursary.
- provide feedback on the access visit or summer school (see below).
- agree to their their names being included in a list of ARIADNE TNA users provided to the European Commission and published in various medium, including the Internet.
- disseminate results obtained as a result of TNA access as widely as possible and provide ARIADNE with the details. Publications should include the following acknowledgement: […] The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2012-1-313193 (ARIADNE).
User Feedback
Feedback from the TNA user group is crucial for documenting the importance of the ARIADNE infrastructure to the European Commission and for improving our training programme. So we ask all participants who have completed an access visit or participated in an ARIADNE summer school to:
- Complete the TNA summary user report and send this by e-mail to TNAcontact @ariadne-infrastructure.eu
- Researchers who have received sponsorship from Ariadne are asked to complete the European Commission’s User group questionnaire using the online form (choose the project Ariadne) and to download a copy of their response and send this by email to TNAcontact @ariadne-infrastructure.eu. (This is requested so that we can assess the quality of access ARIADNE is providing and fulfil the EC’s requirements).
Travel expenses of sponsored researchers will be reimbursed after we have received your user feedback forms.