This workshop will focus on the pressing question of long-term preservation of digital data. We will look at the topic from various angles, central being user needs specific to the different fields of the Humanities as well as existing solutions. The language of the workshop on 2nd Dec is English.

The aim of the workshop is to identify user requirements so far are not catered for (in Austria and elsewhere) and to create a tentative roadmap for future collaborations and solutions. It is important to view data preservation in a wider context and to consider the whole life cycle of research data. We will talk about requirements for ingestion in repositories (formats, conversion, curation, metadata etc.) and possibilities for data re-use (online-publication, access via user interfaces, use in virtual research environments).

In the morning the focus will be on the requirements for data management, long-term archiving and publication of data which will be discussed using case studies from current digital humanities projects. Solutions will be presented in the afternoon, when representatives of Austrian and International digital repositories will introduce their systems and what they offer for data producers.

ÖAW, Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1. Stock, 1010 Vienna
Organization: OREA Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology in cooperation with ACDH Austrian Center for Digital Humanities

For more information see: