Digital Heritage 2015 logo

Granada, Spain

A “federated” world congress of the leading international societies, organizations, and events around IT for heritage, Digital Heritage 2015 will bring together for the second time, VSMM, Eurographics GCH, Arqueologica 2.0, Archaeovirtual, and special events from CAA, CIPA, Space2Place, ICOMOS, ICIP, and more, all in one venue with a prestigious joint publication. A groundbreaking public display of cutting edge digital heritage projects will also grace the conference venue at Granada’s Alhambra and Sciences Park museum.

The main topic areas of this conference are:

  • Digitization and Acquisition
  • Computer Graphics and Interaction
  • Analysis and Interpretation
  • Theory, Methodologies, Preservation and Standards
  • Digital Heritage Projects and Applications –   Integrated solutions and best practices.

Each thematic area has several subject categories. Submissions for papers, posters etc. are invited by the 18th May 2015.

More info: