Tue 24 Mar 2015

Call for papers for a special issue of the Remote Sensing journal: Remote Sensed Data and Processing Methodologies for 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures.
This Special Issue stems from the ISPRS 3D-ARCH workshop series (http://3d-arch.org) and will accept improved and extended selected papers derived from the workshop proceedings as well as other unpublished articles on the following topics:
- Multi-source data and multi-sensors integration for advanced terrestrial 3D modeling
- New low-cost sensors and open-source algorithms for terrestrial 3D modeling
- Automation in data registration
- Dense image matching and automated 3D reconstruction
- Point cloud analysis and feature extraction
- Novel methods for the generation of structured 3D data from unstructured point clouds
- Procedural modeling and HBIM
- Accuracy requirement and assessment in 3D reconstructions
- Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to the visualization and conservation of complex architectures and heritage.
As an open access journal, Remote Sensing is supported by the authors or their institutes with the payment of article processing charges (APC) for accepted papers; the charge for publication is 1400 CHF (Swiss Francs).
The journal’s impact factor is 2.623.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 June 2015
Guest editors: Diego Gonzalez-Aguilera, Fabio Remondino