Participants at the ARIADNE winter school

This week fourteen researchers came together at PIN in Prato for the ARIADNE winter school.

The focus of the school is on interoperability of existing archaeological datasets.  The participants at the school each represent an important research dataset and are participating in the school to find out what about how to make their resources interoperable with the ARIADNE infrastructure.

Achille Fellicetti of PIN has explained that interoperability is achieved in ARIADNE in several ways.  Datasets are registered in the ARIADNE catalogue by mapping to the ARIADNE Catalogue Model.  Mappings of subject concepts to the Getty’s Art and Architecture Thesaurus and archaeological periods to add a level of interoperability and help to improve retrieval across the various datasets in the ARIADNE portal.  While mappings to the CIDOC-CRM provide for the highest level of interoperability between archaeological datasets.

Each of the participants at the school has presented their datasets and is taking part in a hands-on session using the mapping tools that have been developed by ARIADNE.