Kings College London, UK
The Pelagios project (Pelagios: Enable Linked Ancient Geodata In Open Systems) are holding a two-day colloquium on the subject of “Linked Pasts”.
Bringing together leading exponents of Linked Data from across the Humanities and Cultural Heritage sector, the colloquium aims to address some of the challenges to developing a digital ecosystem of online open materials, through two days of position papers, discussion and breakout group activity.
Day 1
Welcome – Pelagios: A Linked Pasts Ecosystem?
Keynote – Sebastian Heath (NYU), Does a Linked Future Mean Past Understanding?
Session 1
Time – Ryan Shaw (UNC), An Ecosystem of Time Periods: PeriodO
Geo – Ruth Mostern (UC Merced), An Ecosystem of Places: Gazetteers
People – Gabriel Bodard (KCL), An Ecosystem of People: SNAP
Session 2
Open Data – Mia Ridge (OU), Trends and Practice within Cultural Heritage
Classification schemes – Antoine Isaac (Amsterdam), Europeana
Day 2
Session 3: Towards an Infrastructure
Rainer Simon (AIT): The Recogito Annotation Platform
Humphrey Southall (Portsmouth): PastPlace gazetteer
Guenther Goerz (Erlangen): WissKI
Holly Wright/Doug Tudhope: Ariadne
Session 4
Structured Activity 1: Niches (Space, Time, People)
Structured Activity 2: Nutrition Cycles (Open Data, Classification, Infrastructure)
Wrap up: feedback, next steps + community actions.