Istanbul, Turkey
ARIADNE Co-ordinator, Prof. Julian Richards of the University of York and Dr. Frank Siegmund of University Düsseldorf will be hosting a session entitled Barriers and Opportunities: Open Access and Open Data in Archaeology” as session no. T02S002:
The European Science Foundation and other leading European research-funders have declared their support for the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities”: a far-reaching restructuring of scientific publishing in favor of open access will take place before the end of the current decade. In parallel, the infrastructure necessary for open data is being created and the political pressure to use it will increase. Many areas of the humanities in Europe, including archaeology, still find this a difficult step to take. At present, the majority of highly renowned journals continue to be published in the traditional way, and research data are still generally unpublished. At the same time, the early adopters of open access and open data are still battling with the problems of how to implement it in practice. This session will attempt to provide an up-to-date overview of open access and open data. We welcome papers from academics, projects and publishers interested in this issue. Archaeologists need to think one step ahead at this early stage: will the availability of open data change the nature of archaeological research and publication, and will it also impact the ways in which archaeologists engage with wider communities?
Papers contributed to date are:
- Frank Siegmund (Univ. Düsseldorf; German Society of Pre- and Protohistory): Introduction to the session: Open Access and Open Data as steps towards an Open Archaeology.
- Brian Hole (University College London; Ubiquity Press): The Journal of Open Archaeology Data: increasing access, reuse and recognition.
- Alexandra Büttner (UB Heidelberg): “Archäologische Informationen” and Open Journal Systems. Chances and Possibilities of an Open Access Journal.
- Julian D. Richards (Univ. York; Deputy co-ordinator of ARIADNE): Opportunities and challenges with Open Access and Open Data in the UK.
- Guntram Geser (SalzburgResearch; in collaboration with ARIADNE): Open Data Publication.
- Felix Falko Schäfer (IANUS, DAI): Open Access of Research Data – the present and future situation in Germany.
- Anastasia Sakellariadi (University College London): Archaeological Training in an Open Access World: Lessons from the REWARD Project (Researchers using Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data).
- Gabriele Gattiglia Ph.D. (Università di Pisa): Big Data.
The final discussion will be moderated by Frank Siegmund & Julian D. Richards.
The call for papers is open until 27th January and further submissions are welcomed. Further details at: