Fri 12 Feb 2016
The ARIADNE Visual Media Service (the service related to the conversion of 2D/RTI/3D data assets in a web-compliant format, thus supporting easy publication and visualization on the web) has been extended and updated on the ARIADNE server.
Users may access, test and use the Visual Media Service at:
The new features added to the service are:
Support for point clouds (we can now manage the usual datasets produced by TOF devices and quite common in 3D digitization of architectures).
Support for texture-mapped triangle meshes.
Use of a new compressed version of multi-resolution encoding for 3D models: the size of processed models is now 10% of the original file size, without impact on performances.
Increased flexibility of the 3D browser, since user can now configure a number of parameters on the functionalities provided by the browser and the look&feel of the graphical user interface; this includes also some new features of the interactive 3D browser, such as the ones for creating sections and for taking point-to-point measurements.
Now we need your help:
Please upload your more recent data, as you will see it is easy and requires a couple of minutes for each single finding/artwork
Help us in debugging and improving the tools. Comments should be sent to and