Registration  for the TRAIL 2014 Meeting, to take place in Frasne, France the 26-28 March 2014, is still open. You can find the preliminary program, practical details, and the registration form on our website:

The TRAIL 2014 workshop focuses on the role of forests in archaeological research, cultural heritage management frameworks, and our perception of past and present landscapes in light of the proliferation of LIDAR surveys over the past decade. The expansion of LIDAR survey coverage across the globe is rapidly and substantially altering the information base used in the study and management of forests and the ways in which we engage with these parts of the landscape. Over the course of three days papers, posters, workshops, and discussions will highlight:

  •  Integration with complementary prospection techniques including test pitting, surface, geophysical and coring surveys.
  • Incorporation into extant cultural heritage management frameworks and policies.
  • Applications in landscape, micro-regional and regional analyses.
  • The social and economic roles of forests.

Participants will be able to attend three workshops of their choice on:

  •  Processing and visualization of LIDAR data: complementary techniques
  • Integration of geophysical and LIDAR data: methodological and technical problems
  • Special Problems: non-standard processing of ‘raw’ data
  • Interpretation of LIDAR data: integration with extant data schemas and frameworks

Presentation will be in English and workshops will be in French and English.

A limited number of scholarships are available to assist students with their costs. Please see the website for details.

Please note that the registration costs for the conference include housing, meals and coffee breaks during the meeting at Frasne.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at with any questions or for additional information.